Warm Woven Noodle Blankets

Warm woven noodle blankets, surfing down a marvellous stream, A waffled fife of hollowed noodles, being played in wondrous harmony. We dance along the fleeting river, our feet thwopping a healing melody, for no apparent reason. It’s tragically ephemeral, but all haste subsides, laughing contagiously, infecting me with your love.

The Pros and Cons of Going Outside

In a late-stage-capitalist dystopia, is nature overrated? I am surrounded by nature, but have to drive a car for about ten minutes in order to actually experience any real semblance of nature (in which I can exist completely unimpeded by cars and technology). Even then, my favourite nature spots are becoming busier, as urban sprawl … Read more

List of Inspirational Sports Documentaries

abstract athlete cycling

I got really into running documentaries and sports documentaries in general when I started running and training more. These movies and series generally feature people overcoming adversity to achieve incredible things. I find there is a lot to learn from these, about not only the sports themselves, but life more broadly. I especially find it … Read more